Hi! This is Patric Chan .
There are already plenty of books written about belief system, both scientific and motivational. What I would like to do is to share with you how my belief system works. Maybe it works for you too.
You see, I was never cut out to be successful in the first place.
I never did well in school - probably because I lost focus, playing around too much then. So I stopped after high school; I've never studied in a college or University before.
My job is rather "futureless" -- I ended up working on the streets selling greeting cards, door-to-doorThere are already plenty of books written about belief system, both scientific and motivational. What I would like to do is to share with you how my belief system works. Maybe it works for you too.
You see, I was never cut out to be successful in the first place.
I never did well in school - probably because I lost focus, playing around too much then. So I stopped after high school; I've never studied in a college or University before.
My job is rather "futureless" -- I ended up working on the streets selling greeting cards, door-to-door.
I don't come from a rich or well-off family -- that's also the reason why I didn't further my studies; it's too painful to take my folks' hard earned money that way. There wasn't any financial support for me to pursue what I wanted to do. We're your typical middle class family - my Dad's a cab driver and my Mum's a housewife. But most importantly, we're happy. I've never felt upset that we weren't rich and I'm proud of my Dad for driving a cab to take care of our family.
I don't have any special or unique talent -- I mean, there are people who are highly talented in sports, inventions, programming, arts, music, etc. that allows them to become millionaires. I don't recall having any of those talents.
I live on a small island -- not one of the big cities where there are plenty of opportunities. Although environment does influence one's success, I can confidently say that it's not entirely true. With today's technology, you can be rich anywhere you live.
I don't have any "connections"- some people became wealthy because they know the "right" people who can elevate them to the next level. I didn't have any entrepreneur friends or know of any millionaires personally at that time; nobody was around to guide me with advice about wealth and success.
I could have gone on, continuing with my ordinary life as it was... if it wasn't for a "vengeance" that I had.
Nothing evil. Not the kind of vengeance where it makes you want to kill someone or anything like that.
It's a feeling that makes you want to prove to the world that you're better than that.
But actually, in retrospect, I was just trying to prove it to myself.
It's the time when you deny your situation; denying that you're incapable of achieving more in life, that you're stuck with your existing, futureless life.
That makes me hungry.
You see, you got to have that kind of hunger, that kind of drive to BE successful.
When I was trying to achieve success then, I was beaten up emotionally from so many angles.
If you've been to motivational seminars, you probably know that you are supposed to network with other attendees. I mean, the Gurus teach that networking is important for success, right?
I kid you not, I was a very positive fella. But it seems like not many people wanted to network with me or wanted to exchange cards because I was nobody then.
You know something -- the more the environment and people dissent you, the more powerful you should become - not the other way around.
Instead of focusing on weakness, I choose to focus on strength.
The more they say I cannot do it, the more it fires me up to show that I can do it.
This is where I want to differentiate positive thinking from optimistic thinking.
Positive thinking is saying...
"It's okay, it doesn't matter that these people do not support me because I'm a positive thinker - I don't let negative thoughts affect me. They probably don't mean it anyway."
Optimistic thinking is saying...
"They don't support me - I accept that, even though I don't like it. It sucks; I wish it wasn't like that. But since that's the reality, what good can come out of this?"
And the answer to that question from an optimistic thinking standpoint is...
I'll take that as a challenge and I'll prove to you who's right.
But I guess the biggest breakthrough when it comes to tuning your belief system for greatness is...
"What is Your Compelling Reason to be Successful?"
If you CAN answer that question, you have the strength to walk you through the journey to success.
I've already given you mine. And it has become the major influence that propels me to become successful in both personal and business life - to become a millionaire, best-selling author and be at the same level as some of the most successful authors and speakers.
Now, compelling reasons usually don't come in a material form. For instance: a car, house or anything like that. Those are not your true compelling reasons.
Why? It's because your mind will ultimately "give up" and let you settle for less. So if your dream car is a Ferrari or something, at one time, you'll make the decision to say that it's fine... even if you don't drive that Ferrari. You'll just drive a more affordable car and forget about your compelling reason.
A compelling reason usually has a strong emotional attachment to it.
It could be an incident that happens in your life.
It could be something that you value – more than any material things in this world.
It could be your hunger for something greater, and you know you have to become wealthy in order for you to achieve that.
Have a compelling reason for yourself.
P.S: This article is written by Patric Chan. Find out how you too can become a WakeUp Millionaire at
I don't come from a rich or well-off family -- that's also the reason why I didn't further my studies; it's too painful to take my folks' hard earned money that way. There wasn't any financial support for me to pursue what I wanted to do. We're your typical middle class family - my Dad's a cab driver and my Mum's a housewife. But most importantly, we're happy. I've never felt upset that we weren't rich and I'm proud of my Dad for driving a cab to take care of our family.
I don't have any special or unique talent -- I mean, there are people who are highly talented in sports, inventions, programming, arts, music, etc. that allows them to become millionaires. I don't recall having any of those talents.
I live on a small island -- not one of the big cities where there are plenty of opportunities. Although environment does influence one's success, I can confidently say that it's not entirely true. With today's technology, you can be rich anywhere you live.
I don't have any "connections"- some people became wealthy because they know the "right" people who can elevate them to the next level. I didn't have any entrepreneur friends or know of any millionaires personally at that time; nobody was around to guide me with advice about wealth and success.
I could have gone on, continuing with my ordinary life as it was... if it wasn't for a "vengeance" that I had.
Nothing evil. Not the kind of vengeance where it makes you want to kill someone or anything like that.
It's a feeling that makes you want to prove to the world that you're better than that.
But actually, in retrospect, I was just trying to prove it to myself.
It's the time when you deny your situation; denying that you're incapable of achieving more in life, that you're stuck with your existing, futureless life.
That makes me hungry.
You see, you got to have that kind of hunger, that kind of drive to BE successful.
When I was trying to achieve success then, I was beaten up emotionally from so many angles.
If you've been to motivational seminars, you probably know that you are supposed to network with other attendees. I mean, the Gurus teach that networking is important for success, right?
I kid you not, I was a very positive fella. But it seems like not many people wanted to network with me or wanted to exchange cards because I was nobody then.
You know something -- the more the environment and people dissent you, the more powerful you should become - not the other way around.
Instead of focusing on weakness, I choose to focus on strength.
The more they say I cannot do it, the more it fires me up to show that I can do it.
This is where I want to differentiate positive thinking from optimistic thinking.
Positive thinking is saying...
"It's okay, it doesn't matter that these people do not support me because I'm a positive thinker - I don't let negative thoughts affect me. They probably don't mean it anyway."
Optimistic thinking is saying...
"They don't support me - I accept that, even though I don't like it. It sucks; I wish it wasn't like that. But since that's the reality, what good can come out of this?"
And the answer to that question from an optimistic thinking standpoint is...
I'll take that as a challenge and I'll prove to you who's right.
But I guess the biggest breakthrough when it comes to tuning your belief system for greatness is...
"What is Your Compelling Reason to be Successful?"
If you CAN answer that question, you have the strength to walk you through the journey to success.
I've already given you mine. And it has become the major influence that propels me to become successful in both personal and business life - to become a millionaire, best-selling author and be at the same level as some of the most successful authors and speakers.
Now, compelling reasons usually don't come in a material form. For instance: a car, house or anything like that. Those are not your true compelling reasons.
Why? It's because your mind will ultimately "give up" and let you settle for less. So if your dream car is a Ferrari or something, at one time, you'll make the decision to say that it's fine... even if you don't drive that Ferrari. You'll just drive a more affordable car and forget about your compelling reason.
A compelling reason usually has a strong emotional attachment to it.
It could be an incident that happens in your life.
It could be something that you value – more than any material things in this world.
It could be your hunger for something greater, and you know you have to become wealthy in order for you to achieve that.
Have a compelling reason for yourself.
P.S: This article is written by Patric Chan. Find out how you too can become a WakeUp Millionaire at
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Hi! This is Patric Chan .
There are already plenty of books written about belief system, both scientific and motivational. What I would like to do is to share with you how my belief system works. Maybe it works for you too.
You see, I was never cut out to be successful in the first place.
I never did well in school - probably because I lost focus, playing around too much then. So I stopped after high school; I've never studied in a college or University before.
My job is rather "futureless" -- I ended up working on the streets selling greeting cards, door-to-doorThere are already plenty of books written about belief system, both scientific and motivational. What I would like to do is to share with you how my belief system works. Maybe it works for you too.
You see, I was never cut out to be successful in the first place.
I never did well in school - probably because I lost focus, playing around too much then. So I stopped after high school; I've never studied in a college or University before.
My job is rather "futureless" -- I ended up working on the streets selling greeting cards, door-to-door.
I don't come from a rich or well-off family -- that's also the reason why I didn't further my studies; it's too painful to take my folks' hard earned money that way. There wasn't any financial support for me to pursue what I wanted to do. We're your typical middle class family - my Dad's a cab driver and my Mum's a housewife. But most importantly, we're happy. I've never felt upset that we weren't rich and I'm proud of my Dad for driving a cab to take care of our family.
I don't have any special or unique talent -- I mean, there are people who are highly talented in sports, inventions, programming, arts, music, etc. that allows them to become millionaires. I don't recall having any of those talents.
I live on a small island -- not one of the big cities where there are plenty of opportunities. Although environment does influence one's success, I can confidently say that it's not entirely true. With today's technology, you can be rich anywhere you live.
I don't have any "connections"- some people became wealthy because they know the "right" people who can elevate them to the next level. I didn't have any entrepreneur friends or know of any millionaires personally at that time; nobody was around to guide me with advice about wealth and success.
I could have gone on, continuing with my ordinary life as it was... if it wasn't for a "vengeance" that I had.
Nothing evil. Not the kind of vengeance where it makes you want to kill someone or anything like that.
It's a feeling that makes you want to prove to the world that you're better than that.
But actually, in retrospect, I was just trying to prove it to myself.
It's the time when you deny your situation; denying that you're incapable of achieving more in life, that you're stuck with your existing, futureless life.
That makes me hungry.
You see, you got to have that kind of hunger, that kind of drive to BE successful.
When I was trying to achieve success then, I was beaten up emotionally from so many angles.
If you've been to motivational seminars, you probably know that you are supposed to network with other attendees. I mean, the Gurus teach that networking is important for success, right?
I kid you not, I was a very positive fella. But it seems like not many people wanted to network with me or wanted to exchange cards because I was nobody then.
You know something -- the more the environment and people dissent you, the more powerful you should become - not the other way around.
Instead of focusing on weakness, I choose to focus on strength.
The more they say I cannot do it, the more it fires me up to show that I can do it.
This is where I want to differentiate positive thinking from optimistic thinking.
Positive thinking is saying...
"It's okay, it doesn't matter that these people do not support me because I'm a positive thinker - I don't let negative thoughts affect me. They probably don't mean it anyway."
Optimistic thinking is saying...
"They don't support me - I accept that, even though I don't like it. It sucks; I wish it wasn't like that. But since that's the reality, what good can come out of this?"
And the answer to that question from an optimistic thinking standpoint is...
I'll take that as a challenge and I'll prove to you who's right.
But I guess the biggest breakthrough when it comes to tuning your belief system for greatness is...
"What is Your Compelling Reason to be Successful?"
If you CAN answer that question, you have the strength to walk you through the journey to success.
I've already given you mine. And it has become the major influence that propels me to become successful in both personal and business life - to become a millionaire, best-selling author and be at the same level as some of the most successful authors and speakers.
Now, compelling reasons usually don't come in a material form. For instance: a car, house or anything like that. Those are not your true compelling reasons.
Why? It's because your mind will ultimately "give up" and let you settle for less. So if your dream car is a Ferrari or something, at one time, you'll make the decision to say that it's fine... even if you don't drive that Ferrari. You'll just drive a more affordable car and forget about your compelling reason.
A compelling reason usually has a strong emotional attachment to it.
It could be an incident that happens in your life.
It could be something that you value – more than any material things in this world.
It could be your hunger for something greater, and you know you have to become wealthy in order for you to achieve that.
Have a compelling reason for yourself.
P.S: This article is written by Patric Chan. Find out how you too can become a WakeUp Millionaire at
I don't come from a rich or well-off family -- that's also the reason why I didn't further my studies; it's too painful to take my folks' hard earned money that way. There wasn't any financial support for me to pursue what I wanted to do. We're your typical middle class family - my Dad's a cab driver and my Mum's a housewife. But most importantly, we're happy. I've never felt upset that we weren't rich and I'm proud of my Dad for driving a cab to take care of our family.
I don't have any special or unique talent -- I mean, there are people who are highly talented in sports, inventions, programming, arts, music, etc. that allows them to become millionaires. I don't recall having any of those talents.
I live on a small island -- not one of the big cities where there are plenty of opportunities. Although environment does influence one's success, I can confidently say that it's not entirely true. With today's technology, you can be rich anywhere you live.
I don't have any "connections"- some people became wealthy because they know the "right" people who can elevate them to the next level. I didn't have any entrepreneur friends or know of any millionaires personally at that time; nobody was around to guide me with advice about wealth and success.
I could have gone on, continuing with my ordinary life as it was... if it wasn't for a "vengeance" that I had.
Nothing evil. Not the kind of vengeance where it makes you want to kill someone or anything like that.
It's a feeling that makes you want to prove to the world that you're better than that.
But actually, in retrospect, I was just trying to prove it to myself.
It's the time when you deny your situation; denying that you're incapable of achieving more in life, that you're stuck with your existing, futureless life.
That makes me hungry.
You see, you got to have that kind of hunger, that kind of drive to BE successful.
When I was trying to achieve success then, I was beaten up emotionally from so many angles.
If you've been to motivational seminars, you probably know that you are supposed to network with other attendees. I mean, the Gurus teach that networking is important for success, right?
I kid you not, I was a very positive fella. But it seems like not many people wanted to network with me or wanted to exchange cards because I was nobody then.
You know something -- the more the environment and people dissent you, the more powerful you should become - not the other way around.
Instead of focusing on weakness, I choose to focus on strength.
The more they say I cannot do it, the more it fires me up to show that I can do it.
This is where I want to differentiate positive thinking from optimistic thinking.
Positive thinking is saying...
"It's okay, it doesn't matter that these people do not support me because I'm a positive thinker - I don't let negative thoughts affect me. They probably don't mean it anyway."
Optimistic thinking is saying...
"They don't support me - I accept that, even though I don't like it. It sucks; I wish it wasn't like that. But since that's the reality, what good can come out of this?"
And the answer to that question from an optimistic thinking standpoint is...
I'll take that as a challenge and I'll prove to you who's right.
But I guess the biggest breakthrough when it comes to tuning your belief system for greatness is...
"What is Your Compelling Reason to be Successful?"
If you CAN answer that question, you have the strength to walk you through the journey to success.
I've already given you mine. And it has become the major influence that propels me to become successful in both personal and business life - to become a millionaire, best-selling author and be at the same level as some of the most successful authors and speakers.
Now, compelling reasons usually don't come in a material form. For instance: a car, house or anything like that. Those are not your true compelling reasons.
Why? It's because your mind will ultimately "give up" and let you settle for less. So if your dream car is a Ferrari or something, at one time, you'll make the decision to say that it's fine... even if you don't drive that Ferrari. You'll just drive a more affordable car and forget about your compelling reason.
A compelling reason usually has a strong emotional attachment to it.
It could be an incident that happens in your life.
It could be something that you value – more than any material things in this world.
It could be your hunger for something greater, and you know you have to become wealthy in order for you to achieve that.
Have a compelling reason for yourself.
P.S: This article is written by Patric Chan. Find out how you too can become a WakeUp Millionaire at
Gett Access Here:
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