[184MB FREE DOWNLOAD!] Graphic Templates, Banners, Headers Plus More... ( [FREE DOWNLOAD!] Graphic Templates, Banners, Headers Plus More... ~184MB .ZIP
To get ahead in this internet marketing game you need to stand out from the crowd. Cheap tacky-looking sales letters will not cut it anymore. You'll also be hard-pressed to find 'word-only' sales letters too. You need to excite your visitors within seconds of them landing on your site and one of the best ways is to use graphics, videos and text graphics. To help you in art department I've put together a bundle of graphics that you edit and use right away... * Video squeeze pages * Graphic Headers * Sales page templates * Arrows * Banners * Feature boxes * Graphic headlines Download from the top of this page... => You'll also notice that there is an offer on for Photoshop smart templates to help you create realistic looking 3D cover artwork for your products. Unlike action scripts, smart templates don't require you to render 2D images into 3D. They take up less resources on your computer and you can see the effects straight away. Here's what you can create with them... * Can create software boxes * Can create book covers * Can create CDs * Can create magazines * Can create bundles of all of the above * Can mix and match to create unique layouts * Produces high quality 300DPI resolution Why they're valueable to you... * Can use them to rebrand ANY PLR products lingering on your hard drive * Can add perceived value to your free reports and encourage people to download, even buy short reports off you! * Can add perceived value to your bonuses and give them spotlight attention so they look like a product in a their own right! * Can add perceived value to your audio products by using the realistic looking CDs and bundle templates * Can boost sales of your digital products on CD when you sell and list items on eBay * Can encourage people to take action, eg sign up, join, buy, like, tweet your products just because they look so valuable * Can make your videos more interesting by adding your new product graphics and bundle package into your slide shows! There are plenty of reasons why the image of your product is so important. Do take the time to check them out once you've grabbed your free graphics. =>
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