What's the BIGGEST secret for making Bum Marketing work FAST?
When I've found to have the QUICKEST success is when I promote products
and services to A STARVING CROWD!
If you PICK the right niche you are HALF WAY HOME.
Do you need help picking out Starving Crowds?
Check out this Video and Free Report Called
Where can I find products to promote?
There are tons of places...but I highly recommend starting at Clickbank and Commission Junction...Clickbank is by far the easiest!
How much money can I make?
This is really up to will make nothing if you don't get to work...I personally make over $3000 a month just from Bum Marketing...and I spend very minimal time Bum Marketing now as I primarily use Pay Per Click now because I have the capital to invest...thanks to Bum Marketing!
Remember...sometimes you will strike out...sometimes you will hit singles and doubles with articles that give you $100 or $200 a month...and then you will hit some home runs where an ezine publisher likes your article so much that they send it out to their list...I have woke up in the morning with hundreds of dollars of sales on one program because my article was picked up...
Here is a little rule of thumb I use to motivate myself...on average every article or ad I write brings in $20 a this is not set in stone...but has worked out well for write 10 articles and you have an extra $200 a month for months and months (If you follow the guide lines I have given with Bum Marketing)...when you start to get good at writing ads and articles...writing 10 a day is not impossible!
Is there a faster way to find low competition phrases to target?
Yes...after you start making some money I would highly recommend that you get Micro Niche will pay for itself with a couple articles...if you decide to get this thru the link on this me and I will show you how to use Micro Niche Finder to make Bum Marketing even easier...I only recommend MNF for Bum Marketing simply because it is the only keyword software that I have found that allows you to use the Google database and pull out your exact phrases (competition) with ease...EXTREMELY helpful in finding heaps of low competition phrases that will put money in your pockets or purses:-)
How much should I take the amount of searches a phrase gets into consideration?
I won't say that I don't look at this at all...but to me it is secondary to having hundreds of articles listed in the search engines...that is what you really want...because phrases that get tons and tons of searches will eventually get it is better to have 10 articles on phrases that only get 1000 searches a month...than to have one article that gets 10,000 searches a month because if your one article gets will have lost that income...but your 10 articles will probably stay up for months or even years!
I am not a very good writer...what would you recommend?
I would recommend starting with can start for free...but for $9 a month you can have unlimited ads and they rank very quickly and well...
With UsFreeAds you can write a small ad!...instead of doing a full blown article.
I also would suggest that writing doesn't have to be difficult...just write like you talk...give good valuable info and you will do ok...(remember you are not going to fail because you run out of money since with Bum Marketing you are not paying for every click.)
Yes...Just think like a "Bum"...You can set up a FREE Blog at or
My first ad/article is sooo bad...I am embarassed to put my name on it!
So don't! Use a pen name or a stage name. 90% of all the articles I write are not under Travis Sago...not because 90% of my articles suck...but because I do not want my competition to type my name in and see every market that I am in...
Will Bum Marketing stop working?
In a word...NO! The players may other words Google may drop I guarantee there will always be sites Google is in love with where you can use Bum Marketing. Just look at the pages that show up when you are searching low competition phrases...there are hundreds of sites that I have not even mentioned here...I am only mentioning the big three as these are the ones that have been working for years.
What about MSN and Yahoo?
I primarily focus on Google because it brings in plenty of loot. But MSN likes likes and I have had good look with Yahoo putting up pages on their free websites at Geocities. All three seem to like and WordPress is VERY powerful...I have seen new blogs dominate phrases with over 50,000 competition.
My ad/article shows up at position #6...Can I get it higher?
Yes...there are really only a couple major factors involved...on page optimization (which I already told you how to do) and inbound links...quite simply ranking is a popularity contest...the more websites that link to you and the importance of the website linking to you increases your popularity...'s what to do in layman's terms...the "Bum Marketing" way...
Let's say that you put up an ad on UsFreeAds that is ranked #6...and you want to bump it up a notch or two...what you do is write an article and post it to in that article link to your UsFreeAds...quite simple...if you do not move up...then you may need to do this a few more times... can put your UsFreeAds ad in your sig file and post on forums (Don't spam)...
But I highly recommend the first can kill two birds with one get another article and increase your popularity score for another of your articles...
As a side note: I would only really bother with this under two situations: 1) You are making money on the #6 moving it up could make you more money 2) You are on the second page of Google and you strongly feel that this ad/article would make money on the first page.
Make a challenge to yourself...say you want an extra $200 a and make yourself write 10 articles or ads...maybe you won't hit that $200 your first month...maybe $100 or $150...but...once you do that and get your first check in the will be hooked!
If you have an extra hour a day...commit to writing one article or ad a day...after 1 month you will have 30 articles...after 2 months you will have 60 articles...after 3 months 90 articles...
So lets say after 3've got 90 articles...some were strike outs...some were singles and you hit a few doubles...but on average you are getting $20 a month PER ARTICLE X 90 = $1800 a month!
That is for just ONE ARTICLE PER DAY...JUST can seriously do this...IF...YOU WILL JUST DO IT...
NO EXCUSES...remember...I am not selling you a thing here...I have nothing to gain by you posting 90 articles to ezinearticles...EXCEPT...EXCEPT for the fact that I want to feel I have helped you and other people...$1800 a month is LIFE CHANGING for many folks that I know...if I can just help ONE more person with my "Bum Marketing Method" that is a GREAT feeling...a feeling that money can not buy.
No let me tell you what is going to happen at first: You are going to start writing your first ad or article...and you are going to say to yourself "This is a crappy article"...DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT...I have written my share of crappy ads and articles...just finish it...and write the next one...and the next one...and the next the process of researching and reading other peoples articles and writing your own...your articles WILL IMPROVE...keep your eye on the goal...whether it is $200 a month...$1800 a month...or $18,000 a month...
Yeah...You suck!...So What?...Use a pen name...and write your next article...a concert pianist sucks the very first time he sits down at the piano...and he probably sucks for a long time after that...but he just keeps on playing...and playing...and playing...writing ads and articles is a lot easier than becoming a concert pianist...AND IT PAYS A HELLUVA LOT MORE!
SO... let me ask you?
Will you change your life!And make easy money now.To Your Success!! Ake Johansson
Here's How You Can Generate Cash From the Internet at Will
Bum Marketing Method - Part Three
I need money NOW...What's the BIGGEST secret for making Bum Marketing work FAST?
When I've found to have the QUICKEST success is when I promote products
and services to A STARVING CROWD!
If you PICK the right niche you are HALF WAY HOME.
Do you need help picking out Starving Crowds?
Check out this Video and Free Report Called
Where can I find products to promote?
There are tons of places...but I highly recommend starting at Clickbank and Commission Junction...Clickbank is by far the easiest!
How much money can I make?
This is really up to will make nothing if you don't get to work...I personally make over $3000 a month just from Bum Marketing...and I spend very minimal time Bum Marketing now as I primarily use Pay Per Click now because I have the capital to invest...thanks to Bum Marketing!
Remember...sometimes you will strike out...sometimes you will hit singles and doubles with articles that give you $100 or $200 a month...and then you will hit some home runs where an ezine publisher likes your article so much that they send it out to their list...I have woke up in the morning with hundreds of dollars of sales on one program because my article was picked up...
Here is a little rule of thumb I use to motivate myself...on average every article or ad I write brings in $20 a this is not set in stone...but has worked out well for write 10 articles and you have an extra $200 a month for months and months (If you follow the guide lines I have given with Bum Marketing)...when you start to get good at writing ads and articles...writing 10 a day is not impossible!
Is there a faster way to find low competition phrases to target?
Yes...after you start making some money I would highly recommend that you get Micro Niche will pay for itself with a couple articles...if you decide to get this thru the link on this me and I will show you how to use Micro Niche Finder to make Bum Marketing even easier...I only recommend MNF for Bum Marketing simply because it is the only keyword software that I have found that allows you to use the Google database and pull out your exact phrases (competition) with ease...EXTREMELY helpful in finding heaps of low competition phrases that will put money in your pockets or purses:-)
How much should I take the amount of searches a phrase gets into consideration?
I won't say that I don't look at this at all...but to me it is secondary to having hundreds of articles listed in the search engines...that is what you really want...because phrases that get tons and tons of searches will eventually get it is better to have 10 articles on phrases that only get 1000 searches a month...than to have one article that gets 10,000 searches a month because if your one article gets will have lost that income...but your 10 articles will probably stay up for months or even years!
I am not a very good writer...what would you recommend?
I would recommend starting with can start for free...but for $9 a month you can have unlimited ads and they rank very quickly and well...
With UsFreeAds you can write a small ad!...instead of doing a full blown article.
I also would suggest that writing doesn't have to be difficult...just write like you talk...give good valuable info and you will do ok...(remember you are not going to fail because you run out of money since with Bum Marketing you are not paying for every click.)
See My Video On How I Use UsFreeAds Takes A Couple Minutes To
I do not have a website...can I still use think like a "Bum"...You can set up a FREE Blog at or
My first ad/article is sooo bad...I am embarassed to put my name on it!
So don't! Use a pen name or a stage name. 90% of all the articles I write are not under Travis Sago...not because 90% of my articles suck...but because I do not want my competition to type my name in and see every market that I am in...
Will Bum Marketing stop working?
In a word...NO! The players may other words Google may drop I guarantee there will always be sites Google is in love with where you can use Bum Marketing. Just look at the pages that show up when you are searching low competition phrases...there are hundreds of sites that I have not even mentioned here...I am only mentioning the big three as these are the ones that have been working for years.
What about MSN and Yahoo?
I primarily focus on Google because it brings in plenty of loot. But MSN likes likes and I have had good look with Yahoo putting up pages on their free websites at Geocities. All three seem to like and WordPress is VERY powerful...I have seen new blogs dominate phrases with over 50,000 competition.
My ad/article shows up at position #6...Can I get it higher?
Yes...there are really only a couple major factors involved...on page optimization (which I already told you how to do) and inbound links...quite simply ranking is a popularity contest...the more websites that link to you and the importance of the website linking to you increases your popularity...'s what to do in layman's terms...the "Bum Marketing" way...
Let's say that you put up an ad on UsFreeAds that is ranked #6...and you want to bump it up a notch or two...what you do is write an article and post it to in that article link to your UsFreeAds...quite simple...if you do not move up...then you may need to do this a few more times... can put your UsFreeAds ad in your sig file and post on forums (Don't spam)...
But I highly recommend the first can kill two birds with one get another article and increase your popularity score for another of your articles...
As a side note: I would only really bother with this under two situations: 1) You are making money on the #6 moving it up could make you more money 2) You are on the second page of Google and you strongly feel that this ad/article would make money on the first page.
Final Words
I am NOT going to be brief here...GET STARTED! Bum Marketing Method works great...the sky is your only limit...I have helped members...and many folks I have met on the web make their very first money in internet marketing using the Bum Marketing Method...Make a challenge to yourself...say you want an extra $200 a and make yourself write 10 articles or ads...maybe you won't hit that $200 your first month...maybe $100 or $150...but...once you do that and get your first check in the will be hooked!
If you have an extra hour a day...commit to writing one article or ad a day...after 1 month you will have 30 articles...after 2 months you will have 60 articles...after 3 months 90 articles...
So lets say after 3've got 90 articles...some were strike outs...some were singles and you hit a few doubles...but on average you are getting $20 a month PER ARTICLE X 90 = $1800 a month!
That is for just ONE ARTICLE PER DAY...JUST can seriously do this...IF...YOU WILL JUST DO IT...
NO EXCUSES...remember...I am not selling you a thing here...I have nothing to gain by you posting 90 articles to ezinearticles...EXCEPT...EXCEPT for the fact that I want to feel I have helped you and other people...$1800 a month is LIFE CHANGING for many folks that I know...if I can just help ONE more person with my "Bum Marketing Method" that is a GREAT feeling...a feeling that money can not buy.
No let me tell you what is going to happen at first: You are going to start writing your first ad or article...and you are going to say to yourself "This is a crappy article"...DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT...I have written my share of crappy ads and articles...just finish it...and write the next one...and the next one...and the next the process of researching and reading other peoples articles and writing your own...your articles WILL IMPROVE...keep your eye on the goal...whether it is $200 a month...$1800 a month...or $18,000 a month...
Yeah...You suck!...So What?...Use a pen name...and write your next article...a concert pianist sucks the very first time he sits down at the piano...and he probably sucks for a long time after that...but he just keeps on playing...and playing...and playing...writing ads and articles is a lot easier than becoming a concert pianist...AND IT PAYS A HELLUVA LOT MORE!
SO... let me ask you?
Will you change your life!And make easy money now.To Your Success!! Ake Johansson
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