Saturday, June 8, 2013


Saturday, June 08, 2013      MAVERICKS MONEY MAKER

 Subj: How to turn your cell phone into an ATM

Subj: $328,707 per month with Cell Phones?

Subj: Imagine turning your cell phone into an ATM

Subj: cell phones transform into ATMs today

Hi {Ake}

Today is the day!

Mack Michaels, mastermind behind MaverickMoneyMakers

has just released his newest, most exciting course to date.

Over the last 7 months over 13,000 people have used

Mack's incredible coaching to earn over 2 million bucks

as members of his coaching club.

And now, he's turning the industry on it's head again!

Right now, I have one instruction for you to follow.

Go to the page below and find out all the details

on his newest course AND coaching club:


Reach into your pocket. What do you find?

I'll bet you've got a cell phone in there don't you?

Well, so do 4.3 billion other people around the World...

Imagine being able to reach all 4.3 billion of those

folks and talk to them?

How incredibly powerful would that be?


There may be millions of people on Google everyday,

but AdWords and PPC are so "yesterday"....

On average people look at their cell phones no less

than 24 times per day, often may more.

Multiply that by the 4.3 billion cell phone users and what

do you get?

Over 103 Billion times that people around the World

look at their cell phones.

What if you could deliver your sales message directly to

their cell phone? There's nothing more personal

than a cell phone.

And now you have the exact system that Mack used to generate

$328,707 in one month using cell phones!

All you have to do is follow the steps he gives you in his

step-by-step video training.

Even if you can only duplicate 1% of Mack's results that's almost

$4k per month!

Excited yet?  You should be!

But, if you're as committed and hard-working as I think you are

then the sky is literally the limit.

Don't miss out on this.

Right now Mack is even taking it further and you can get your

hands on his proven system for under $100, which I consider

to be utter madness...


Go to the page right now and find out what all the buzz is about.

All my best,

{Ake Johansson}

P.S. This info has never been released. It's completely brand new and the ONLY place you can learn how to use the massive, rabid cell phone for immediate results market is with Mack's course.


.To Your Success

 Ake Johansson





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