Thursday, May 30, 2013


Thursday, May 30, 2013
For the last two years, people have asked me, almost daily, how to start a blog or begin to make money from a passion over the web. And a huge percentage of the goals you all shared last week involved taking the first step in making this happen. It’s time to provide you all some guidance (just as I was so kindly given over the years).
Not to mention just yesterday I was on the phone with a good friend who’s in his second year of a top ranked ‘entrepreneurial’ business school, and he asked me the following: “Scott, what resources do you suggest I spend time with to learn about starting a blog and using social media? There isn’t really any course on this offered at my school.”
Don’t even get me started…
Bottom line: The world desperately needs guidance on how to start a blog that matters!
So over then next few weeks I’m going to share with you the people and tools that have made this site what it is (I’ll also tell you exactly how Live Your Legend’s business works and even the details of how it makes money). I hope it provides some clarity to the path we’re all capable of walking.
Now onto the good stuff.

Why  needs a blog…

Sure, I’m a bit biased, but nowhere and in no time in history have I see a more valuable, simple and inexpensive tool for exploring a passion, helping people and building a business around it.
Whether you want to lead a revolution to get kids to eat healthier, overthrow a dictatorship, leave a legacy of life lessons for your kids, build a business that can be run from anywhere, land your dream job, or simply make the world smile or laugh a few more times each day, a blog and social media are the most powerful tools I’ve come across for doing so. They change the world every day. And they have the potential to enhance, if not completely redefine, any project that you work on.
Many of you have already told me that you want a successful blog or want your current blog to be successful (I get that question at least once a day). Good. We’ve identified the problem.
The challenge is where to begin.

On starting a blog that matters…

Last I checked there were over 340 million websites (and likely a lot more – exact numbers are hard to find). And back in 2008 Technorati estimated that over 184 millon of these were blogs (& that number has no doubt gone up considerably).
Thousands, if not tens of thousands, of new blogs get started every day.
Many of them you’ve never heard of. And many of them you never will hear of.
Live Your Legend was one of those for nearly four years.
It sat collecting cobwebs with maybe 10 or 20 people stumbling upon it each day. Subscriber growth was exactly 0% (stuck at 111 to be precise – 95 of whom I knew personally and were just being nice).
This went on for years until I met Corbett Barr (as well as Leo, Mary and Jonathan whom I’ll tell you more about next week).
In early 2010 I met Corbett over some beers in SF with two other guys I met on Twitter (sounds a little weird I know, but go with it). He soon became a friend and mentor and later became the mastermind behind the relaunch and rebrand of Live Your Legend that occurred mid last year. He walked me through every detail from naming, branding and design all the way to backend coding and business model – not exactly your average web designer.
The rebrand Corbett led caused this site’s following to double inside of three weeks.

Focusing on the right strategies makes all the difference

Since I met Corbett, and a few others, this blog has grown from 10 visits a day to 2,000. From 111 subscribers to over 10,000. From a side project to a full-blown business. It now ranks among the top .03% all sites on the planet.
Looking back it can feel and seem like this happened overnight, especially to those who have only recently joined our community. Trust me – it couldn’t be farther from the truth.
I spun my tires for years until I was exposed to the strategies that actually made all the difference.




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